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What is Intuition?

What is Intuition - Communication

What exactly is intuition?

Intuition is a type of communication. With so many names and explanations for Intuition it is hard to know exactly what it is. It has been referred to as gut instincts, a feeling in my bones, a hunch or the sixth sense. When you Google the definition of Intuition in comes up with information such as:

Oxford Dictionary, Intuition is – A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather that conscious reasoning.

Cambridge states that Intuition is an ability to understand or know something immediately based on your feelings rather than facts.

Merriam-Webster are a little more abstract with two examples and dot points.

  1.   The Power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought or inference
    1. A.   Immediate apprehension or cognition
    1. B.   Knowledge or conviction gained by intuition
  2. Quick and ready insight

Most of them explaining it as a knowing feeling being the opposite to conscious thinking. But, all these explanations did was made you think even more about it. Even though it was all about a feeling.

A different explanation

It was not until I read the late Dr Wayne Dyer explain intuition in his terms. He stated that Intuition was a deep seated knowing and that resonated with me. It felt right in that it was a deep seated knowing but where did that knowing come from? This was the question I asked and researched about continually throughout my life. Although, I was mostly unaware of it at the time.

There were lots of lessons and explanations I needed to experience and understand before the simple answer could come through. My experiences included me, that is the spiritual side of me, leaving my physical body on several occasions. More about those experiences in another blog but, needless to say I had to experience those situations to understand it. We actually do have a physical and spiritual body interwoven in us.

Intuition is communication

The physical human body brings forward information through their ancestors via the DNA. That comes with the blending of two physical bodies. The spiritual being comes into the physical human with a purpose to achieve a particular goal. It is connected to all that is in the spirit realm. Again, I had to experience this, once during an extremely violent situation where I was nearly killed. All that in order to understand where this deep-seated knowing was coming from.

Once I understood that we had two bodies, a physical human and a spiritual being, that come together to create a Human Being, intuition made sense.

Why is Intuition communicating?   

Intuition is direct communication between your spiritual and physical bodies. Intuitive messages, information and guidance comes to you from your spirit and that is called intuition. Breaking it down even further intuition = “tuition” which means teaching or guiding and “in” meaning from within. Intuition is Inner guidance from your spiritual side. The side that guides you towards its purpose for coming into your physical body, its purpose becomes your purpose in life. Spirit communicates to you emotionally, physically, mentally and visually. We just need to listen in order to know what our intuition is telling us.

I really understood what listening to your body meant was when heavy in labour with my first child. The pain was increasing but not experiencing that before you just did not know how much more you could take. Or where you are up to in the labour. I didn’t want to have the baby at home, but I didn’t want to be stuck in the hospital either. I wanted to be at home for as long as I could. Without risking anything and as a first-time mum-to-be I did not know what to do.

Another contraction

Another contraction came and I got my way through it and quickly turned to Mum. “When do I go into hospital?” hoping that if I go now the baby will come sooner and it will over and done with. “You’ll know” was Mum’s reply.

“How will I know” I asked Mum desperately not really sure if she knew or not. After having eight babies herself I was confident she would know although aware that everyone is different. “You’ll just know” she quietly responded to ease me down.

Another contraction, the same question was asked, and the same response came back. “You’ll just know when it’s time, your body will tell you”. “How does it tell you Mum, how will I know”. I was started to get frustrated and agitated that Mum would just say when to go. Of course Mum didn’t know the exact time but she knew I would know when it was.

Listen to your body’s communication

“Listen to your body” she said “what is it telling you”

I stopped and I listened to my body. I went quiet between contractions and felt what my body was doing. It was not stressed or frustrated, it was doing what it needed to do. What it was supposed to be doing. The time between contractions became enjoyable over the next few hours as I explored what my body was feeling. A few contractions came together, and I could feel the change within, and I knew it was time.

“I thought it would be soon” Mum said as I said to her I feel it is time to go. Mum inadvertently taught me to be aware of how my body was feeling and how I was feeling. She showed me how to be aware of my intuition on one level. I didn’t know what Intuition was at that stage.

Intuition is communicating to you

Intuition is the spiritual body communicating to the physical body and it can do that emotionally, physically, mentally and visually. In this particular situation it came through physically. As soon as I was aware of what I was feeling in my physical body the intuitive guidance came through. I will discuss this in another podcast in the Back to Basics season.

So, to recap on what exactly is intuition, it is information, messages and guidance from your spiritual self. Your spiritual self is directly connected to Universal Energy, All That Is or your God. Your Intuition is information communication coming from your Spiritual side. To really know what to do you must go within. One way is to listen to what your body is telling you.

Communication from our spiritual body to your physical body

Intuition is the Communication from our spiritual body to your physical body in order to create action. It is how our spiritual body communicates with us. Our Spiritual body requires action or a learning, that only being in a physical body can bring.

We are all naturally Intuitive, it is part of human Nature. It is our Intuitive Nature

Susan Jane, the Intuitist

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What is Intuition?

What is Intuition? How do you trust your intuition?

These are the most common question asked about Intuition.

Intuition is messages from your spiritual being to your physical self in order to create an action. It is the way the body and the spirit communicate. You can receive these intuitive messages in many ways as they come from the spirit to the physical.

Intuition is beyond any doubt; it is a deep-seated knowing that creates an automatic response. Often that response is of an emotional nature or we experience it as an emotion. We could see something that reminds us of an experience that has happened in the past. This can bring forward an emotional response that has come from your spirit as an intuitive message. 

When we experience emotion, we respond or act accordingly. However, if the emotion appears to be of a negative aspect we can react to that instead of going deeper to see what the real intuitive message is all about.

We can discover more as we sit with our feelings and let our intuition come through. Then it becomes beyond questioning and it is more than a feeling; it is a genuine knowing. An Intuitive understanding directly from your Spiritual self through your Intuition. 

One thing we must remember about our two bodies that is the Spiritual Being does not have the physical senses as the physical Human does. Only a Human can touch, taste, smell, see, and hear. Spirit knows but cannot experience unless they are in a physical body.

It is like riding a bike. You can learn all about it, how to sit on the seat, how to pedal and steer but until you really sit on a bike and ride it you have not experienced it. You cannot feel the wind in your hair, the feeling of exhilaration as you balance yourself around a corner, or even the experience of crashing into a nearby fence. Spiritual beings need to be in the physical body to really experience the physical senses.

Beliefs are influenced by culture, creating differences, tensions, and doubts about that belief. Intuition is a deep-seated knowing. You know what to do or what to say. You even know how to do it without ever being taught. 

You don’t question it or think twice about it, you act upon it, not knowing why or second-guessing it. It can come through as a 'Gut Feeling' which usually means it has come through the Sacral or Solar Plexus chakras and you feel it in the stomach area. 

A knowing or intuition is a thought, an action, or a feeling that does not hold any doubt. Intuition has also been classed as innate knowledge, a type of knowledge we are already aware of. This is because the Spiritual Being has experienced many lives over many years so it does bring through some innate knowledge. However, that can be forgotten very quickly as the child grows. 

Intuition is also called our 6th Sense which is to a certain degree because we refer to our senses in the physical realm. The 6th Sense is in the Spiritual realm that comes through into the physical environment. Developing your intuition will help you in many ways.

What is Intuition about?

The physical body is a three-dimensional body used in the physical world to experience the five senses of sight, sound, smell touch, and taste through various aspects and for a limited period of time. The physical human is a means of experience for the Spiritual Being who does not experience the 5 physical senses unless within a body.  

The spiritual body is a body of energy that collects and experiences information through many physical bodies to expand its Intuitive Knowledge and is done so over an indefinite period of time. They are connected to one physical human at a time but are attached to everything and everyone. They are infinite and can be referred to as Universal Energy, Prana, God, and many other names.  

The mind is not a body, there is no mental body. The mind processes information that is gathered from the physical body and blends it with the ideals from the spiritual body to create thought. The mind is therefore a process, not a body. It is there to process the SPiritual intuitive messages with the physical thoughts and beliefs. 

In this Aura and Chakra digital scanning image, we can clearly see the physical body within the aura or spiritual body. The chakras are the spinning vortexes that give and receive energy from internal and external environments as a continuous flow.  

It is through these chakra energy centre's that we often receive our intuitive information. 

Intuitive Vibes Chakras


Emotions are 'energy in motion' which are used to direct or guide the processes of the mind. They are a tool that the physical and spiritual bodies use to communicate with via the mind. Emotions are tools just like electricity is a tool, they are both energy in motion.

It is through the emotions that an understanding is created and that eventual understanding becomes Intuitive Knowledge or a ‘Knowing’. Intuition is ‘Deep Seated Knowing’. A Knowing that may have been developed over many, many lifetimes, through various physical incarnations and stored within the spirit.

Intuition is created by the physical body via the thought processes of the mind. It is permanently retained within the spiritual body and this can only be achieved by using emotional energy as the guiding tool.

Emotions are a tool of communication that we need to pay attention too in order of achieving the agendas of both the physical and spiritual bodies.

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