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About Intuitive Nature & The Art of Intuition

We are all born with deeply intuitive capabilities

But knowing where to start so you can harness those intuitive abilities can be a little bit daunting.

Knowing what that actually looks like and learning how to implement those senses in your life can be a little confusing.

What is Intuition and Why Should We Trust It?

Susan Jane says, "My own life experiences have led me down the path of personal growth and development in my search for answers." This has given me a full understanding of how intuition works…

... and that is probably true for many intuitive people.

Learning about intuition has literally changed my life and saved my bacon, on many many occasions. I rely heavily on my intuitive abilities to guide me toward my goals in life, and to illuminate the next steps for me to take on my journey.

Often when I take the tools into corporate situations for workshops and team-building exercises, the changes in the energy of the attendees are amazing.

Through our play and experiential learning, people recognize their own strengths and insights, so they leave the workshops with a greater knowledge of and connection with that expanded dimension.

They can even hold their own workshops about developing intuitive abilities by taking an online course as a professional presenter. 

I’ve learned how to connect with my intuition and use that power to guide me in my quests. I’m much more courageous and resilient because of it and I intuitively trust. I trust life because I’ve learned to trust myself and my inner voice, that voice, that sixth sense, has my back.

Life can be a challenge at times

Susan Jane the Intuitist

We really come to a better understanding by seeing the deeper meaning towards the things that happen to us. As well as the things that happen around us or to our family and friends. Especially through the lens of our own intuitive experiences.

When I was a young mum raising my kids, the strength of that gift was priceless. As any parent raising children would know, having an ally, even an invisible one, is unbelievably helpful. One that needs to be cherished and developed like all relationships. 

Life can really be a challenge at times and learning to see that certain things happen for us, and not to us, is key in opening the door to seeing the bigger picture, seeing the gifts within adversity and trauma.

Some of what I have experienced has been incredibly traumatic, really tough stuff, but hand on heart, I am so, so very grateful.

Although I may not have said that while I was in the thick of things, my intuition was still clearly guiding me through. I have a much better understanding because of the way my intuition showed up for me in those times.

Those special times when I really needed it and it came through because I allowed it to happen.

I am so passionate about the power of intuition ...

I am so passionate about the power of intuition that I’ve spent several decades teaching people about listening to theirs.

It’s been my mission to teach others about how to use it as guidance to move them toward making confident decisions that bring them into alignment with their own truths. Their own core values and the fulfilment of their own goals and dreams.

Along the way I’ve developed tools to help people understand how intuition works and to help them strengthen that intuitive muscles. I know how invaluable these tools are because I’ve seen how much they’ve helped my clients on their own personal development quests.

Seeing how the transition from knowing to trusting has really helped shape my live and those who I have worked with. It has lead to more intuitive self assurance, ease and grace…

…and a whole lot less stress!

Ready to find out more about how to develop your intuition?

Click on the button and discover the different ways to do it!

On line courses, Books, Readings and Workshops

Enjoy developing and trusting your Intuition so you can apply it to everyday life.  Susan Jane

When I was writing my book Intuitive Flowers, I could see how divinely guided I was and it gives me such a buzz that the clients I work with really blossom as they come to know their Higher Selves.

My latest tool to help with the quest of mastering your intuition is the Flower Oracle, as you build each element of the flower through the oracle cards, you are also opening up your own inner flower step by step until you are in full bloom.

However, if you want to start developing your Intuition now sign up for a Flower Reading Course and get your intuition working for you.

We are all Naturally Intuitive. It is part of Human Nature

It is our Intuitive Nature

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